动力: motive power; power; dynamic割草机: cropper; grass cutter; field ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...谷物: grain; cereal; sito-收割: reap; harvest; gather in附加: add; attach装置: installation; device; appara ...马拉割草机的谷物收割附加装置: reaping attachment for mower马拉割草机的谷物收附加装置: reaping attachment for mower动力割草机的铺条装置: windrowing attachment for motormower玉米收割附加装置: maize cutting attachment割草机的集堆附加装置: buncher attachment; bunching attachment动力割草机: (power)mower; power lawn mower动力割刀附加装置: power scythe attachment带打捆装置的动力割草机: motor mower with binder attachment侧驱动动力割草机: side drive motor mower侧驱式动力割草机: motor mower with side drive; side drive motor mower汽油动力割草机: gasoline mower动力割草机的链指式侧向搂草器: chain-type side-rake for motormower手力割草机: hand mower畜力割草机: animal-drawn mower; horse mower旋转式汽油动力割草机: rotary-type gasoline mower中央驱动动力割草机: center drive motor mower; centre drive motor mower; centre drvie motor mower中央驱动式动力割草机: motor mower with center drive谷物收割机: corn mowing machine; crogatherer