

发音:   用"动作表象"造句
  • enactive representation


  1. In many - ball training , coaches can regulate the athletes " movement so as to set up proper idea and consciousness of movement quickly by simultaneous transmission of information in form of comments or clues
  2. Abstract : in order to explore the rule of movement of skill transfer , optimize the teaching process , the author makes the two years teaching experiment , and finds that sorted the sports movement with same requirements of teaching , exercise performance and movement stuff out , combinative teaching as a whole program is favor to master the motor skill


        动作:    movement; motion; action
        表象:    presentation representation
        动作表象阶段:    enactive representation stage
        动作表:    acttab action table
        动作性表象:    enactive replresentation; enactive representation
        动作表达式:    action expression
        动作表现力:    exercise presentation
        动作表示含义:    squirm: embarrassment
        动作表征方式:    enactive representation mode
        潜能动作表现:    potential movement expression
        动作再现表象阶段:    stage of enactive representation
        用哑剧动作表现:    t express by mime
        用哑剧式动作表演:    act using mime
        表象:    1.[哲; 心理] (在知觉的基础上所形成的感性形象) presentation2.[数; 物] (表示) representation◇表象定理 representation theorem; 表象空间 [物理学] representative space; 表象理论 [物理学] representation theory; 表象论 [哲学] presentationism
        作表:    tabulation
        凭动作表演的喜剧演员:    pantomimist
        表象的:    presentational; presentative
        表象论:    representationalism
        表象型:    image type
        前表象:    prerepresentation
        操作表:    action table; operation sheet; operation table; planning sheet
        工作表:    work table; working list; working table; workmeter; worksheet
        作表语:    dqn dqn; this is a good book. book
        动作:    1.(全身或身体的一部分的活动) movement; motion; action 动作缓慢 slow in one's movement; 优美的舞蹈动作 graceful dance movement; 仔细瞧我的动作! watch my motion carefully.2.(活动; 行动起来) act; start moving 仔细想过后再动作。 think it over carefully before you act. 且看他下一步如何动作。 let's see how he acts next.3.(机动行为; 操作) manoeuvre; actuation; action; motion; act; locomotion; event; agency; activity; operation; behaviour 飞机的一种特技动作 an acrobatic manoeuvre of the plane
        【心、哲】表象论,表象主义。:    presentationism


  1. "动作标明"英文
  2. "动作表"英文
  3. "动作表达式"英文
  4. "动作表示含义"英文
  5. "动作表现力"英文
  6. "动作表象阶段"英文
  7. "动作表征方式"英文
  8. "动作捕抓"英文
  9. "动作补间动画"英文
  10. "动作不符"英文


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