In november, 1940, markovic first trod in secrecy the road to berchtesgaden . 1940年的11月,马科维奇首次秘密前往贝希特斯加登。
He turned his mind to thinking up a cover that would explain this without inviting advances from the mrs. gardens of this world . 他苦苦地思索着,以期想出一个办法,既能解释他为什么单身,又不致招惹这个世界上的加登夫人们向他卖弄风情。
Multiple intelligences and structure of thinking - questioning on the theory of multiple intelligences of gardner 兼质疑加登纳的多元智力
Because my son is working in ethiopia , at a place which is 600 kilometers away from the ogaden region 因为我儿子就在埃塞工作,距离欧加登地区有600公里。
Now she resides in australia and is the director of music at st . james church gardenvale in melbourne 周氏现居于澳洲,并于墨尔本加登维尔的圣雅各伯堂担任音乐总监。