- hot defecation
- 加热: heat; warm; heat additive; h ...
- 澄清: settle; become clear; defeca ...
- 澄清: 澄清1.(清亮) clear; transparent 湖水碧绿澄清。 the water of the lake is green and clear.2.(弄清楚) clear up; clarify 澄清事实 clarify some facts; 澄清误会 clear up a misunderstanding; 要求澄清 demand clarification; 澄清模棱两可之处 clear up ambiguity [obscurity]; 总统的声明澄清了种种谣传和猜测。 the president's statement cleared the air of rumours and guessing.3.(肃清) purify 澄清天下 bring peace and order to the country
- 澄清部, 澄清带: fining end; refining zone
- 加热: heat; warm; heat additive; heating; heat(ing) up; warming; warmup; warming-up 把它放在火盆上加热 heat it over a brazier; 把熔炉加热到1,800度 heat the furnance to one thousand eight hundred degrees; 先得把它加热到 120 摄氏度。 it should first be warmed to 120℃.; 加热干燥室 dry kiln; 加热管 heating pipe; 加热管道 water back