

发音:   用"加权抽样"造句
  • weighted sampling
  • 加权:    weighting; weighted
  • 抽样:    sample; sampling; specimen; ...
  • 加权:    [数学] [物理学] [工业] weighting; weighted◇加权平均法 method of weighted mean; 加权平均数 weighted average; weighted means; 加权平均值 weighted average; weighted mean; weighted mean value
  • 抽样:    [统计] sample; sampling; specimen; samples draw 按比例抽样样品 quota sample; 重复抽样 duplicate sampling; 概率抽样 (法) probability sampling; 从不同的零件中抽样检查 test the samples from different parts; 有意抽样 purposive sampling; 随机抽样 random sampling
  • 增加权,添加权:    ius adcrescendi; iusadcrescendi


        加权:    weighting; weighted
        抽样:    sample; sampling; specimen; ...
        加权:    [数学] [物理学] [工业] weighting; weighted◇加权平均法 method of weighted mean; 加权平均数 weighted average; weighted means; 加权平均值 weighted average; weighted mean; weighted mean value
        抽样:    [统计] sample; sampling; specimen; samples draw 按比例抽样样品 quota sample; 重复抽样 duplicate sampling; 概率抽样 (法) probability sampling; 从不同的零件中抽样检查 test the samples from different parts; 有意抽样 purposive sampling; 随机抽样 random sampling
        增加权,添加权:    ius adcrescendi; iusadcrescendi
        n加权:    n-weighting
        道加权:    trace weighting
        加权 加重:    weighting
        加权,权重:    wweight
        加权比:    weighted ratio
        加权的:    weighted
        加权法:    method of weighting; weighed method; weighted approach; weighted method; weighting method
        加权和:    weight sum; weighted summation
        加权积:    weighted product
        加权价:    weighted average price
        加权量:    weighted quantity
        加权码:    weighted coded
        加权票:    weighted vote
        加权数:    weight number; weighting number
        加权图:    weighted graph
        加权网:    hierarchic network
        加权像:    t2 weighted image t2w1
        加权值:    weighted value
        加权熵:    weighted entropy
        减加权:    deemphasis


  1. "加权残余数"英文
  2. "加权残余数法"英文
  3. "加权残余原理"英文
  4. "加权测度"英文
  5. "加权常数"英文
  6. "加权代数和"英文
  7. "加权倒数"英文
  8. "加权倒易点阵"英文
  9. "加权倒易格子"英文
  10. "加权倒易空间"英文


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