Due to crime , officials said they had decided to paint the city pink ahead of the hindu festival of light , on october 21 由于奥兰加巴德犯罪猖獗,小镇的200万居民对他们的生活质量和当地的萧条景象极为不满。
The ancient town of aurangabad in bihar - one of india s most backward and poorest states - is a hotbed of crime ranging from killing , extortion , kidnapping and inter - caste wars 印度古老城市奥兰加巴德位于该国最贫困落后的比哈尔邦,这里谋杀勒索绑架以及阶级内部纷争等犯罪行为层出不穷。
The ancient town of aurangabad in bihar - one of india ' s most backward and poorest states - is a hotbed of crime ranging from killing , extortion , kidnapping and inter - caste wars 印度古老城市奥兰加巴德位于该国最贫困落后的比哈尔邦,这里谋杀勒索绑架以及阶级内部纷争等犯罪行为层出不穷。
The ancient town of aurangabad in bihar - - one of india ' s most backward and poorest states - - is a hotbed of crime ranging from killing , extortion , kidnapping and inter - caste wars 印度古老城市奥兰加巴德位于该国最贫困落后的比哈尔邦,这里谋杀、勒索、绑架以及阶级内部纷争等犯罪行为层出不穷。
The ancient town of aurangabad in bihar - one of india ' s most backward and poorest states - is a hotbed of crime ranging from killing , extortion , kidnapping and inter - caste wars 这个名叫奥兰加巴德的古镇位于印度最为落后和贫穷的比哈尔邦,这里的人民长期饱受杀人、敲诈勒索、绑架和帮派内战等犯罪事件的困扰。