Some bacteria cannot be enriched in defined media because they have extremely complex nutritional requirements . 有些细菌不可能用合成培养基进行加富培养,因为它们的营养需要太复杂了。
This paper is the working results of flow cytometric measurements of ultraphytoplankton in east china sea and yellow sea , which including the works of two cruises in autumn 2000 and spring 2001 and two - week time series observation in summer 2001 . in addition , in situ enrichment experiments were designed at e2 station of spring cruise 本文主要内容为流式细胞计在中国东、黄海对超微型浮游植物的检测结果报导,所做工作包括: 2000年秋季及2001年春季的两个航次、 2001年夏季( 7月)在长江口区的定点长时观测,此外,还在春季航次e2站进行了现场营养盐加富培养实验。