功率: power; rate of work; capacit ...比: 2传输功率比: transmission power ratio多频功率比: mtpr multi-tone power ratio多音功率比: multi-tone power ratio辐射功率比: radiant power ratio邻频功率比: acpr ― adjacent-channel power ratio全功率比冲: full-fower specific impulse声电功率比: acoustoelectric power ratio剩余功率比: residual power ratio数字功率比: numerical power ratio推力功率比: thrust-power ratio有效功率比: work ratio噪声功率比: noise to power ratio; noise-power-ratio; npr noise power ratio噪音功率比: npr noise power rate重量功率比: weight power ratio; weight to-power ratio; weight-power ratio; weightto-powerratio驻波功率比: standing wave power ratio发送光功率比: transmitting optical power ratio换能器功率比: transducer power ratio啁啾与功率比: cpr chirp-to-power ratio充电放电功率比: charge / discharge power ratio多路音调功率比: multi-tone power ratio峰值与平均功率比: peak to average power ratio基波对谐波功率比: fundamental to harmonic power ratio邻信道泄漏功率比: aclr adjacent channel leakage power ratio; adjacent channel leakage power ratio