功德: merits and virtues charitabl ...心: the heart功德: 1.(功劳和恩德) merits and virtues2.[佛教] (指行善和诵经吟佛等) charitable and pious deeds; benefaction; beneficence; works公德心: civism; social mind阮德心: nguyen duc tam功德党: meriete party; merit party; mp功德华: puyatara a ramaa of kubha功德林: kutokuhayashi功德天: concerning whom there are several sutras功德镫: a prince of kubhā道德心,责任心: conscience没公德心: incivism培养公德心: to cultivate the public mindedness品德心理学: moral psychology无公德心: incivism有公德心: be civic-minded有公德心的: civic-minded; public- irited慈济功德会: tzu chi二百耳功德: the 1 merits of ear in the lotus sutra功德无量: kindness knows no bounds.; great service to mankind; boundless beneficence; the benefits (we have received from him) are beyond measure功德圆满: come to a successful issue; round it off品德心理结构: mental structure of morality千二百舌功德: the 1 merits of tongue in the lotus sutra千二百意功德: the 1 merits of mind in the lotus sutra康南德心脏导管: cardiac catheter for ecg use