

发音:   "功劳簿"的汉语解释   用"功劳簿"造句
  • record of merits
  • 功劳:    contribution; meritorious se ...
  • 簿:    book
  • 躺在功劳簿上:    rest on one's laurels
  • 功劳:    contribution; meritorious service [deed]; credit 立下了功劳 have great achievements to one's credit; 把某事当作自己的功劳 make a merit of sth.; 躺在功劳簿上 rest on one's laurels; 全部功劳都得归他。 full credit must go to him. 他们把一切功劳归于自己,把一切错误推给别人。 they claim all the credit for themselves and shift all the blame on others.; 功劳簿 record of merits
  • 功劳木:    caulis mahoniae; leatherleaf mahonia stem chinese mahonia stem


  1. Read , study and attend lectures ; don ' t rest on the laurels of what you think you already know


        功劳:    contribution; meritorious se ...
        簿:    book
        躺在功劳簿上:    rest on one's laurels
        功劳:    contribution; meritorious service [deed]; credit 立下了功劳 have great achievements to one's credit; 把某事当作自己的功劳 make a merit of sth.; 躺在功劳簿上 rest on one's laurels; 全部功劳都得归他。 full credit must go to him. 他们把一切功劳归于自己,把一切错误推给别人。 they claim all the credit for themselves and shift all the blame on others.; 功劳簿 record of merits
        功劳木:    caulis mahoniae; leatherleaf mahonia stem chinese mahonia stem
        功劳叶:    mahonia leaf folium mahoniae
        功劳子:    leatherleaf mahonia fruit
        功劳叶粉末:    mahonia leaf
        汗马功劳:    1.(战功) distinctions won in battle; achievements (distinguished) in war; service in battle; toil and hardship in the wars; deeds of valour in battle; war exploits 立下了汗马功劳 perform deeds of valour in battle; 他参加过许多战役, 立下了汗马功劳, 但他仍然很谦虚。 he fought many hard battles and achieved notable merits, but he remains humble in spirits.2.(工作中的贡献) one's contributions in work
        立下了功劳:    have great achievements to one's credit
        屡建功劳:    have distinguished oneself many times
        十大功劳:    [中药] chinese mahonia (mohonia fortunei); graperoot◇十大功劳根 graperoot
        十大功劳根:    graperoot
        十大功劳碱:    mahonine
        十大功劳属:    mahonia
        十大功劳叶:    chinese mahonia leaf; folium mahoniae; leatherleaf mahonia leaf; sidagonglaoye folium mahonae
        信用;功劳;学分:    credit
        优点,长处;功绩,功劳:    merit
        邦沙功劳哈迁:    pongsakorn laohavichien
        峨眉十大功劳:    mahonia polydonta fedde
        甘平十大功劳:    mahonia ganpinensis fedde
        功劳是我们的:    we’ll get all the credit
        光叶十大功劳:    mahonia shenii chun
        宽苞十大功劳:    mahonia eurybracterta fedde
        阔叶十大功劳:    leaf mahonia


        功劳簿的日语:功績簿. 不能躺在 tǎngzài 自己的功劳簿上/かつての功績に甘んじていい気になってはならない.
        功劳簿的韩语:[명사] 공적 기록부. 개인의 명예. 不要躺在父母的功劳簿上过日子; 부모의 후광을 업고서 살지 마라
        功劳簿什么意思:原指记载功勋和劳绩的簿册。 后亦用于比喻, 多指过去的功绩, 犹言老本。    ▶ 元 无名氏 《赚蒯通》第一摺: “我如今跳出是非场, 抹下了这功劳簿, 只待要修仙辟谷, 倒是俺散袒逍遥一愿足。”    ▶ 清 李渔 《比目鱼‧贻册》: “这都是天机转辘轳, 神灵演咒符, 休得要错记了功劳簿。”如: 我们可不能躺在功劳簿上睡大觉啊!


  1. "功拉披耶"英文
  2. "功拉赛"英文
  3. "功拉育"英文
  4. "功郎"英文
  5. "功劳"英文
  6. "功劳木"英文
  7. "功劳是我们的"英文
  8. "功劳叶"英文
  9. "功劳叶粉末"英文
  10. "功劳子"英文


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