办事处: office; agency主管: be responsible for; be in ch ...办事处主任: director of the office联合国内罗毕办事处主任: director-general of the united nations office at nairobi办事处管理部主管: head of regional offices副秘书长兼联合国日内瓦办事处主任: under-secretary-general director-general of the united nations office at geneva联合国维也纳办事处主任办公室: office of the director-general united nations office at vienna人事处主任: dean of personnel辅导处主管: oc counselling unit税务处主管: head of tax办事处: office agency; sub-branch office办公室,办事处: off office北区办事处: north district office代表办事处: representative office当地办事处: local office地方办事处: local office地区办事处: regional office; zone office东京办事处: tokyo office东区办事处: east district office东太办事处: eapro对外办事处: public office分办事处: suboffice; subordinate office分部办事处: outstation分区办事处: branch office服务办事处: services office