副热带: subtropics; subtropical belt ...森林: forest; timber; sylva; silva ...热带森林: caravane; tropical forests; tropicalforest; tropodrymion tropicum热带森林土: tropical forest soil亚热带森林: subtropical forest亚(前)热带森林: subtropical forest热带森林生态系: tropical forest ecosystem热带森林生态系统: tropical forest ecosystems热带森林行动计划: tropical forestry action plan (tfap); tropical forestry action programme; tropicalforestryactio lan(tfap); tropicalforestryactio rogramme亚热带森林草原带: subtropical forest steppe zones非洲热带森林研究局: inter-african bureau for research on tropical forestry国际热带森林工作队: international task force on tropical forestry国际热带森林工作者协会: international society of tropical foresters; istf热带森林发展委员会: committee on forest development in the tropics热带森林开发委员会: cfdt; committee on forest development in the tropics中美洲热带森林行动计划: central american tropical forestry action plan副热带: subtropics; subtropical belt; subtropical zone◇副热带高压 oceanic anticyclone; oceanic high; subtropical anticy; 副热带高压区 [气象学] subtropical highpressure belt; 副热带气候 subtropical climate; 副热带气旋 [气象学] subtropical cyclone; 副热带无风带 horse latitudes; subtropical calms; 副热带雨林 laurilignosa副热带;亚热带: sub(-)tropics热带森林可持续性管理的指导方针: guidelines for sustainable management of tropical forests热带森林土著部落民族国际联盟: international alliance of indigenous tribal peoples of the tropical forests热带森林土著和部落民族国际联盟: international alliance of the indigenous/tribal peoples of the tropical forests热带森林土著和部落民族宪章: charter of forest peoples; charter of the indigenous and tribal peoples of the tropical forests亚玛孙河流域茂密的热带森林: the dense tropical forests of the amazon basin英联邦可持续热带森林方案: commonwealth programme for sustainable tropical forestry副热带的: semi tropical; semi-tropical cyclone; semitropical; subtropical belt