Nevertheless , the widely existed overconstraints in the mechanisms will make the quality of the mechanisms very sensitive to the inevitable manufacturing , assembly errors ( especially , the errors resulted from the shape and position between kinematic pair elements and their axes ) . at the same time , because the internal and external uncertain factors such as non - plane characteristic of dynamic parameters of links ( such as mass distribution , inertia forces , etc . ) , bending and twist of links , and the changes of environment and operating condition are inevitable , they will form the disturbance to planar constraints and make them possess the characteristic of " uncertain " 但是,平面连杆机构中广泛存在的过约束,造成机构对制造、安装误差特别是运动副元素的形位误差十分敏感;同时,由于不可避免的内部和外部不确定因素的影响,常常会造成机构运动的“障碍”及系统中某些构件的变形和运动副中的附加动载荷,引起机械的振动、冲击、噪声等而导致机械的效率和工作性能的降低。