剪成: Jian Cheng短发: bob; shingle剪成短短的头发: stubble剪成: jian cheng短发: bob; shingle 一个短发姑娘 a girl wearing her hair in a bob; a bobbed hair girl短发情: feeble estrus; subestrus短发球: short serve短发人: cro y; croppy剪短发: bob 1留短发: bob剪成锯齿状: vandyked构成短语: under the leadershiof合成短纤维: synthetic staple切成短条: cabble鲍勃短发型: stebob-cut短发的人: shorthead短发高层次: short layers短发男人: the man who had his hair cut short短发女孩: bingle damsel剪短发的人: croppy男式短发: boyish bob沙宣短发: sassoonbob少男式短发: boyish bob我要剪短发: i want my hair cut short圆型短发: tranient round cut