

[ wānròubùchuāng ] 发音:   "剜肉补疮"的汉语解释   用"剜肉补疮"造句
  • cut off one's flesh to cure a boil -- a makeshift to tide over a present difficulty; cut off some flesh to patch up an ulcer -- silly work; cut out a piece of one's flesh to cure a boil; cut out good flesh to heal a sore; cut out some flesh for patching up a wound; resort to a remedy worse than the ailment; resort to a stopgap measure detrimental to long-term interests; rob one's belly to cover one's back; rob peter to pay paul; sacrifice one's interest for the advancement of another; sinking [throwing] good money after bad
  • 割肉补疮:    cutting the flesh to cure a boil -- a makeshift to tide over a present difficulty
  • 挖肉补疮:    rob peter to pay paul; cut out a piece of one's flesh to cure a boil -- to resort to a remedy worse than the ailment; sacrifice sth. as makeshift to tide over a difficulty
  • 不要挖肉补疮:    do not rob peter to pay paul
  • 剜下一块肉:    carve out a piece of meat
  • 剜骨:    crucio


  1. Taking a loan to pay another debt is robbing peter to pay paul


        割肉补疮:    cutting the flesh to cure a boil -- a makeshift to tide over a present difficulty
        挖肉补疮:    rob peter to pay paul; cut out a piece of one's flesh to cure a boil -- to resort to a remedy worse than the ailment; sacrifice sth. as makeshift to tide over a difficulty
        不要挖肉补疮:    do not rob peter to pay paul
        剜下一块肉:    carve out a piece of meat
        剜骨:    crucio
        剜眼刀形铲:    exenteration knife spud
        剜出术,摘出术:    enucleation
        :    名词1.(蒯草) wool grass2.(古地名) kuai (an ancient place)3.(姓氏) a surname 蒯通 kuai tong
        剜出术, 摘出术:    enucleation
        蒯本科:    ben-ke kuai
        剜出术:    enucleation
        蒯草:    [植物学] wool grass
        剜出腔:    enucleation cavity


        剜肉补疮的法语:prélever un morceau de sa chair pour l'appliquer sur son abcès;parer à l'immédiat sans songer au lendemain;recourir aux expédients
        剜肉补疮的日语:wānròubǔchuānɡ 肉(にく)をえぐってきずを補(おぎな)う。
        剜肉补疮的韩语:【성어】 살을 도려내어 상처에 붙이다; 나쁜 결과를 생각하지 않고 발등의 불을 끄는 데 급급해하다. 靠借债还债这是剜肉补疮的方法; 빚을 얻어 빚을 갚는 것은 살을 도려내어 상처에 붙이는 것과 같은 방법이다 =[剜肉医疮] [挖wā肉补创]
        剜肉补疮的俄语:[wānròu bǔchuāng] обр. тришкин кафтан
        剜肉补疮什么意思:wān ròu bǔ chuāng 【解释】比喻只顾眼前,用有害的方法来救急。 【出处】唐·聂夷中《咏田家》诗:“二月卖新丝,五月粜新谷;医得眼前疮,剜却心头肉。” 【拼音码】wrbc 【用法】连动式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含贬义 【英文】rob Peter to pay Paul


  1. "剜出腔"英文
  2. "剜出术"英文
  3. "剜出术, 摘出术"英文
  4. "剜出术,摘出术"英文
  5. "剜骨"英文
  6. "剜下一块肉"英文
  7. "剜眼刀形铲"英文
  8. "蒯"英文
  9. "蒯本科"英文
  10. "蒯草"英文


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