The ordinance has been amended to control the use of veterinary chemicals as a result of food poisoning cases associated with the intake of pork or offal contaminated by beta - agonists 针对多宗市民因进食受乙种促效剂污染的猪肉及内脏而引发的食物中毒个案,政府修改了上述条例,以管制禽畜化学品的使用。
To decontaminate vehicles , machinery and other bulky surfaces , purdon worked with his colleague andrew burczyk to invent cascad ( canadian aqueous system for chemical - biological agent decontamination ) , which is a buffered hypochlorite solution combined with a surfactant and a solvent 为了清除车辆、机具与其他的大面积污染,珀登与他的同事柏克柴合作研发了加拿大清除生化战剂污染用液态系统( cascad ) ,这是一种次氯酸盐的缓冲溶液,内加界面活性剂与溶剂。