制度: system; institution帐户: account季度帐: quarterly account年度帐: annual account帐户体系, 会计制度: system of accounts季度帐单: quarterly account印度帐篷绳: dori统一会计制度, 统一帐户系统: uniform system of accounts帐户: account 非贸易帐户 noncommercial account; 往来帐户 book account; 在银行开立帐户 open an account with a bank; 帐户分类 account classification; 帐户号码 account number; 帐户结余 account balance; 帐户名称 account title; 帐户年度 account year制度: system; institution 规章制度 rules and regulations; 笔试制度 system of written work; 财务制度 financial system; fiscal system; 工厂制度 factory system; 工资制度 wage system; 管理制度 management system; 管理货币制度 managed currency system; 国际货币制度 international monetary system; 家庭作业制度 system of home study; 价格制度 price system; 教育制度 educational scheme; system of education; 奖惩制度 system of encouragements and penalties; 考查制度 system of inspection; 劳动报酬制度 scheme of payment; 奴隶制度 slave system; slavery; 生产制度 production system; 市场制度 market system; 统计制度 statistical system; 物质刺激制度 incentive scheme; 学生升[留]级制度 system of promoting [holding back] students; 招生制度 system of enrolment; 质量检查制度 quality auditing system; 作息制度 system of work and rest; 婚姻制度 institution of marriage; 社会制度 social system; 社会主义制度 socialist system; 制度化 systematism; institutionalize; be institutionalized id帐户: id account公帐户: subaccount科目,帐户: account实帐户: permanent account; real account新帐户: n/a new account虚帐户: nominal accounts在……帐户: o/a = on account of帐户;帐单: account {= a/c帐户名: account names; account nmae帐户式: account form; accounting form帐户试: account format帐户锁: accountlock帐户帐: a/c. account帐目,帐户: ac account; acct account主帐户: principal accounts