到: 39证人席: witness-box; witness stand作证: testify; give evidence; bear ...出庭作证: appear in court as a witness ...出庭作证人: to attend as a witness出庭作证: to take the stand传出庭作证: call in evidence传唤出庭作证: call in testimony站在证人席上作证: take the stand; take the witness stand出庭作证的传票: subpoena ad testificandum传唤某人出庭作证: call sb. in evidence当维尔玛出庭作证: when velma takes the stand他被传唤出庭作证: he was summoned as a witness证人必须亲自出庭作证并接受双方讯问: witnesses must testify in person and be subject to crossexaminationn作证人: earwitness; utensil; verifier令出庭作证的传召出庭令状: writ of subpoena ad testificandum证人作证: witness testify作证: testify; give evidence; bear witness 为某人作证 testify on behalf of sb.; 在法庭上作证 bear witness in a lawcourt被迫作证的证人: compellable witness可强迫作证的证人: compellable witness证人的作证态度: testifying attitude of witness证人的作证资格: competency of witness证人的作证资格, 证人能力: competence of witness证人席: witness box; witness stand; witness-box工作证: employee's card; i-765; id(identification); of service; work permit