见: see; catch sight of不到时候的: untimely到时候你们: come to you in time及时,到时候,最终: in time到时候离开了: it's time for me to go到时候你自然明白: you will understand in due course到时候再看着办: to play by ear到时: at expiry of a time-out到时候没有人能够去埋怨。: when there's no one left to blame到时候你会喜欢他的: in time you'll grow to like him到时候我又会变怎样: and what are we to be再见啦: goodbye to you不用背,但要有点印象要是你到时候再把: appreciation到时候他会把事实真相告诉你的: he'll show you what's what in time到时见: c n when u get there轮到时: in one's turn群到时: group arrival time数到时: at the count of时候: dj123; length of time; moment; occasion; period; whenever到时间了: time has come到时叫醒我: wake me up in time得到时间: gettimer地震波到时: seismic arrival-time飞到时间: arrival time货到时净价: net arrived value