- (到末了; 结果) in the end; finally; eventually 短语和例子
做坏事的人到头来总会遭报应的。 evildoers are bound to be punished in the end. 到头来, 竹篮打水一场空。 finally, it is like drawing water with a sieve
- 到头来竹篮打水一场空: finally it is like drawing water with a sieve
- 我却希望到头来的结局: oh i hope that it won't end though
- 我常说他到头来非进监狱不可: i always said he would wind up in jail
- 做坏事的人到头来总会遭报应的: evildoers are bound to be punished in the end
- 到头: to the end; at an end; throughout 一年到头 throughout the year; all the year round; 这条街走到头有一个商店。 there is a shop at the end of the street