到: 39了: finish; complete; end; fulfi ...一触即发: be triggered at any moment; ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...地步: condition; plight; situation ...一触即发的: hairtrigger; touch-and-go一触即发的局面: touch-and-go situation一触即发的局势: explosive situation; touch-and-go affair一触即发的形势: an explosive situation issue快速的行动, 一触即发的形势: touch and go松动的大炮(一触即发的脾气): loose cannon危急的, 惊险的, 一触即发的: touch-and-go一触即发的, 一碰就坏的, 即时的: hair-trigger又以一触即发的态势: nll武力 一触即发: cscz一触即发: be triggered at any moment; an explosive point [situation]; be on the verge of breaking out; be touch-and-go [touch and go]; imminent; may break out at any moment; ready to be set off at a touch 武装冲突有一触即发之势。 armed conflict may break out at any moment 一一触即发: oneshots为防止一触即发的罢工而采取的对策: countermeasures against a threatened strike反恐精英:一触即发: counter-strike: condition zero绝对武力一触即发: cscz如箭在弦,一触即发: be like an arrow in the bow,that can be unleashed at any time如箭在弦一触即发: be like an arrow in the bow that can be unleashed at any time一触即发低音版: oneshotbass一触即发敲击乐: oneshotdrums绝对武力之一触即发: cscz