别: change走: walk; go这样: so; such; like this; this wa ...快: fast; quick; rapid; swift; s ...别走: dj lx remix; djvanguard; don t go -elaine laye; ktv; un让这事发生的这样快: was it too soon to tell,你吃什么灵丹妙药好得这样快: what magic drug have you taken to recover so quickly谢谢您这样快就安安排见我: thank you for seeing me on such short notice他从没有预料到这项工程会完成得这样快: never has he expected that the project can have been completed so soon走这边: come this way; walk this way别走丢: follow me please or you would lost别走开: stay put i’ll be back soon别走了: don't go away别走哇: don't go away别走远: don t walk away请别走: please don't go; t go请走这边: this way please; this way, please走这条路: go this way; walk this way这样: so; such; like this; this way 这样的一个人 such a man; 这样那样的问题 various problems; one question or another; all sorts of problems; 一会儿这样, 一会儿那样 now one way, now another; 情况就是这样。 that's how it is. 别走这样快。 don't walk so fast. 照这样做。 do it like this. 这样的文学作品很受群众欢迎。 literary works of this kind are well received by the masses. 他怎么病成这样了? how did he get so ill? 如果你们觉得可以这样办, 就这样办。 if you people feel this is the right thing to do, then do it无论怎样快: the soonest爱我别走: dj vanguard; laundry宝贝别走: babypleasedontgo别走得太远: don't front别走我爱你: don’t go, i love you好胆别走: hdtv2r; the big hit