别: change把: grip; handle人: human being; man; person; pe ...看: see; look at; watch扁: small out-of-the-way了: finish; complete; end; fulfi ...被看扁: get dirty looks把孩子看扁: condemn a child百把人: some hundred people虫被脚踏扁了: the worm was crushed under the feet. make an investigation or survey on the spot纸箱子压扁了: the cardboard box was crushed把人逼疯: send sb. to the loony bin; send somebody the loony bin把人搞臭: bring odium upon a person; drag a person through the mire; expose sb. thoroughly把人撵走: drive sb把人笑死: be the death of把人整死: doctor sb. to death打扁了的,用旧了的: battered a别把“蛋”打破了: dont break the“egg别把汤洒了: don't spill the soup把人当牲口了: customers they don't want to handle把人送上太空: die menschen ins all befoerdern / schicken把当外人看: to treat sb. like outsiders to stand on ceremony被某人看到: catch sbs eye; catch sb’s eye别人看她: if she is stared by others she says that they are just admiring给病人看病: give medical advice to the patient