别: change忙: busy; bustling; fully occupi ...别忙: to hold one's horses别忙,妈: don’t start, mum. i am sick of your nagging别忙,妈。 别烦我。: don’t start, mum. i am sick of your nagging别忙再想一想: don't hurry think it over别忙;耐心点;别沉不住气: to hold one"s horses这些日子我们特别忙: we've been particularly busy these days别瞒着我事实真相: don t kethe truth from me别瞒我: dont keeme in the dark别卖关子了往下讲吧: don't keus guessing. go on别冒冒失失地撞进别人的房间: don't plunge head first into another person's room别买我的爱: can't buy me love