别: change多: many; much; more夫: that; this; those; these波多别多夫: podobedov波卢别多夫: polubedov别多巴: bedoba别多嘴: don't be so talkative别多嘴!: Shut up!奥别多维奇: objedovic别多管闲事: mind your own business别多说话: hold one"s tongue; hold one’s tongue杜别多娃: dubedova隔别多年: have been separated for years; not to have seen each other for many years卡别多巴: hmd列别多娃: lebedeva tatyana收获特别多: if you are in town to stay特别多数: staff regulations special majority性别多样性: gender diversity多夫: dauw; dofe; dorf; dov别多嘴多舌的: don't be a blabber mouth指纹识别多肽: fingerprinting polypeptide波别多诺斯采夫: pobedonostsev单一性别多态性: unisexual polymorphism返出岩屑特别多: there are many return cuttings阔别多年的老朋友: a long separated old friend