窦: hole; sinus的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...记忆: remember; recall迷宫: maze; labyrinth利玛窦: matteo ricci记忆迷局: memento明代外来传教士利玛窦: western christian missioner mathieu ricci玛窦: matthew the evangelistmoomins的记忆: moomins tale english淡淡的记忆: a dim memory/recollection冬天的记忆: memory of the winter短暂的记忆: elusive memories过去的记忆: a memory from my past恍惚的记忆: wandering memory婚姻的记忆: dansen med regitze火的记忆: sinais de fogo妈妈的记忆: in mom's head美好的记忆: happy memories迷失的记忆: (absolut) yc明天的记忆: memories of tomorrow青春的记忆: a memory of youth清晰的记忆: memories人的记忆: human memory杀手的记忆: the memory of a killer疏远的记忆: distant memories