

发音:   "利改税"的汉语解释   用"利改税"造句
  • replacement of profits by taxes; replace profit delivery with tax payment; switch from profit delivery to tax payment; substituting tax for surrendered profit; taxation instead of the delivery of profits to the state; turn profits into taxes


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  1. But on process , it mainly experienced five stages : allowing rights and profits , changing profits into taxes , contracting and renting , changing managing mechanism and marketing stock system
  2. But on process , it mainly experienced five stages : allowing rights and profits , changing profits into taxes , contracting and renting , changing managing mechanism and marketing stock system
  3. China ' s state - owned enterprises have experienced a series of forms such as profit replaced by tax , contract , lease out , assets management etc since the reform of town economy system was carried out all over the country in 1984
    从1984年城市经济体制改革全面铺开至今,我国国企改革经历了“利改税” 、 “承包经营” 、 “租赁经营” 、 “资产经营”等一系列形式。
  4. Since the reform and open up of china , the course of the state enterprises " reformation have gone through delegating power and cutting profits , switching from profit delivery to tax , managerial responsibility system of contracting , and building modern enterprise management system



        利改税的法语:substitution des impôts aux prélèvements sur les bénéfices
        利改税的韩语:〈상업〉 이윤을 세금으로 바꾸다. [국영 기업에 대하여 종래에 취했던 이윤 상납 제도(利潤上納制度)에서 법인세를 징수하는 제도로 바꾸는 것] =[以税代利]
        利改税的俄语:[lì gǎi shuì] эк. перейти от системы отчисления прибылей к системе выплаты налогов
        利改税什么意思:以税代利, 即国营企业由向国家上缴利润改为按国家规定的税种和税率缴纳税金。    ▶ 《光明日报》1984.5.16: “去年已经实行了利改税的第一步改革, 取得了良好的效果。 国务院决定, 从今年第四季度开始, 进行利改税的第二步改革, 从税利并存过渡到完全的以税代利。”


  1. "利富蒂"英文
  2. "利富卡岛"英文
  3. "利富内河"英文
  4. "利富帕"英文
  5. "利富塔"英文
  6. "利钙霞石"英文
  7. "利盖蒂"英文
  8. "利盖拉"英文
  9. "利盖罗娃"英文
  10. "利盖特福尔维"英文


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