Rough talk and confrontational tactics did not come naturally to ehrlichman . 埃利希曼并非生来就讲话生硬,喜欢对抗。
Enrlichman had his hands full, for a presidential trip is a major logistical undertaking . 埃利希曼忙得不可开交,因为总统出访,从后勤上说是一个重大的任务。
Ehrlichman's hiring of young was not uninfluenced by the petty jealousies of the white house staff . 埃利希曼启用扬,并非没有受到白宫工作人员狭隘嫉妒心的影响。
I took a great liking to our captain, leach, a charming and lovable man and all that a british sailor should be . 我很喜欢我们的舰长利希,他英俊可爱,具有英国水手所应有的一切品质。
With great dignity haldeman said that he and ehrlichman had decided to resign to enable the president to go on with the tasks . 霍尔德曼神态自若地宣布,他和埃利希曼已决定辞职,以使总统能够继续完成他的任务。