His character is tainted by self-seeking . 他的性格带有利己的缺点。
Selfness is a bad guide to happiness . 利己心带不来幸福。
Self-interest with her was high but not strong . 对她来说,利己心是主要的,但还不十分强烈。
His supposed generosity is merely a form of self-interest . 他貌似慷慨,不过是变相的利己而已。
This scheme strives to show general biosynthetic pathways yielding major classes of secondary metabolites that include known allomones . 本图企图说明包括众所周知的利己激素在内的主要次生代谢产物的一般生物合成途径。
利己的: egocentric; hoggish利己地: egoistically利己狂: autophilia; egomania利己心: self害人利己: benefit self at the expense of another极端利己: egomania利己害人: benefit oneself at the expense of others利己型自杀: egoistic suicide利己主义: egoism◇利己主义者 egoist利己主义的: egocentric; self-centered; self-interested; self-regarding; selfish利己主义者: egocentric; egoist; individualist; self-seeker利己癖,唯我癖: egomania利人利己: benefit other people as well as oneself损人利己: harm others to benefit oneself; benefit oneself at other people's cost;benefit [enrich] oneself at the cost [expense] of others; benefit oneself at the expense of others; gain at others' expense; harm others to benefit oneself; hurt others for the sake of one's own gain; hurt sb. for one's own benefit; injure others for (the sake of) one's own advantage; injure others for one's own profit [benefit]; injure others in order to benefit oneself; injure others to benefit oneself; profit at others' [another's] expense; profit [benefit oneself] at the expense of others; profit at the expense of others [at others' expense]; profiteer at the expense of others; seek personal ends at the expense of others; seek satisfaction for oneself at other's expense 切不可作任何损人利己的事。 never do anything to your profit at another's expense损人利己的: beggar my neighbor自尊癖 利己狂: egomania利己享乐主义: egoistic hedonism利己主义的人: self-seeker利己主义观念: self-interest concept民族利己主义: national egoism损人而不利己: harm others without benefit to oneself毫不利己,一心为公: be dedicated to serving the public without any thought of oneself毫不利己,专门利人: utter devotion to others without any thought of selfnaught for self,all for othersdoing everything for other's benefit and nothing for one's own毫不利己一心为公: be dedicated to serving the public without any thought of oneself利吉娅: ligia利吉耶: ligier