

[ lìjǐ ] 发音:   "利己"的汉语解释   用"利己"造句
  • self care
  • self-regard


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  1. His character is tainted by self-seeking .
  2. Selfness is a bad guide to happiness .
  3. Self-interest with her was high but not strong .
  4. His supposed generosity is merely a form of self-interest .
  5. This scheme strives to show general biosynthetic pathways yielding major classes of secondary metabolites that include known allomones .


        利己的:    egocentric; hoggish
        利己地:    egoistically
        利己狂:    autophilia; egomania
        利己心:    self
        害人利己:    benefit self at the expense of another
        极端利己:    egomania
        利己害人:    benefit oneself at the expense of others
        利己型自杀:    egoistic suicide
        利己主义:    egoism◇利己主义者 egoist
        利己主义的:    egocentric; self-centered; self-interested; self-regarding; selfish
        利己主义者:    egocentric; egoist; individualist; self-seeker
        利己癖,唯我癖:    egomania
        利人利己:    benefit other people as well as oneself
        损人利己:    harm others to benefit oneself; benefit oneself at other people's cost;benefit [enrich] oneself at the cost [expense] of others; benefit oneself at the expense of others; gain at others' expense; harm others to benefit oneself; hurt others for the sake of one's own gain; hurt sb. for one's own benefit; injure others for (the sake of) one's own advantage; injure others for one's own profit [benefit]; injure others in order to benefit oneself; injure others to benefit oneself; profit at others' [another's] expense; profit [benefit oneself] at the expense of others; profit at the expense of others [at others' expense]; profiteer at the expense of others; seek personal ends at the expense of others; seek satisfaction for oneself at other's expense 切不可作任何损人利己的事。 never do anything to your profit at another's expense
        损人利己的:    beggar my neighbor
        自尊癖 利己狂:    egomania
        利己享乐主义:    egoistic hedonism
        利己主义的人:    self-seeker
        利己主义观念:    self-interest concept
        民族利己主义:    national egoism
        损人而不利己:    harm others without benefit to oneself
        毫不利己,一心为公:    be dedicated to serving the public without any thought of oneself
        毫不利己,专门利人:    utter devotion to others without any thought of selfnaught for self,all for othersdoing everything for other's benefit and nothing for one's own
        毫不利己一心为公:    be dedicated to serving the public without any thought of oneself
        利吉娅:    ligia
        利吉耶:    ligier


        利己的日语:(?利人 lìrén )利己的である.自分の利益をはかる. 毫不 háobù 利己,专门利人/少しも利己的なところがなく,ひたすら人のために尽くす.
        利己的俄语:pinyin:lìjǐ заботиться только о себе; эгоистический; себялюбие
        利己什么意思:lìjǐ [self-care; benefit oneself] 只顾自己 利己利人


  1. "利吉斯特"英文
  2. "利吉坦岛"英文
  3. "利吉特角"英文
  4. "利吉耶"英文
  5. "利吉娅"英文
  6. "利己的"英文
  7. "利己地"英文
  8. "利己害人"英文
  9. "利己狂"英文
  10. "利己享乐主义"英文


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