Although we may not be humane by nature , how can we not be wise ones who strive to be humane 我们纵使不是自然而行之的仁者;能不学做个利仁勉行的智者吗?
Translated by adam . with the encouragement of lodi gyari rinpoche , 10 , 000 copies of this prayer are to be printed for free distribution 由亚当翻译。因洛第嘉利仁波切的鼓励,将印制一万份供免费发送。
仁: benevolence; love; kindheart ...英商艾利仁公司: btrn asia利人: to benefit or profit men idem; toshihito利热罗: ligeiro; ligereau; ligerot利人利己: benefit other people as well as oneself利热鲁河: ligeiro river; ligeiro, r利人主义: altruism利热龙: ligeron利刃: edge; a trenchant edge利热雷: ligeret利刃型铁丝网: razor wire利热拉: ligeira