初生: nascent; primary newborn仔畜: newborn animal; young animal ...窒息: stifle; suffocate; asphyxia; ...初生仔畜脐炎: newborn omphalitis初生仔畜死亡: neonatal mortality初生仔畜死亡率: neonatal mortality新生仔畜: newborn同窝出生仔畜: littermate初生仔猪筐: farrowing basket初生儿窒息: asphyxia neonatorum生仔: cub仔畜: newborn animal; young animal; cub窒息: stifle; suffocate; [医学] asphyxia; apnea; asphyxiation; suffocation; stuffiness; smotheration; smothering (树 苗) 火患发生时, 他被困在舱底下窒息而死。 during the fire, he was trapped under the cabin and was suffocated to death. 骨头卡在喉咙里使他窒息。 the bone wedged in his throat and strangled him.; 窒息死亡 death by suffocation 初生: 1.(新生的; 处于生成过程的) nascent; primary2.(新出生的) newborn独生仔: singleton四生仔: quadruplet哺乳仔畜: suckling棺材精生仔: the unknown corpse同胎生仔数: litter size一窝仔畜: set a young早产仔畜: slink仔畜补料栏: creep feeder仔畜营养需要: food needs of offspring仔畜早期日粮: prestarter ration使窒息: asphyxiate; choke; smother; stifle; strangulate; suffocate