初: at the beginning of; in the ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...水: water高薪: fat salary来者: arrival; comer消费者的高品味: good taste for consumers薪水: salary; pay; wages 减少薪水 cut [slash] a salary; 增加薪水 increase a salary; 职务薪水 the salaries attached to the offices; 这一工作薪水多少? how much salary does the job pay根据有经验记者的高见: in the sage opinion of experienced journalists拿高薪: get good pay; get good wages初来乍到: first day at work被拥护者的贪婪所玷污的高尚事业: a noble cause defiled by the greed of its supporters后来者: late-comers进来者: incomer外来者: outcomer新来者: newcomer 故意冷落新来者 snub the newcomers; 向某人介绍新来者 introduce a newcomer to sb移来者: in-migrant工资,薪水: salary薪水, 报酬: emolument薪水册: payroll薪水袋: packet; pay envelope薪水单: pay slip/envelop薪水好: wellpaid薪水帐: pay list薪水账。: pay list高薪阶层: high-salaried stratum