

  • initial breakdown
  • 初期:    prime; initial stage; early ...
  • 塑炼:    plasticate; plastify; mastic ...
  • 塑炼:    [化学] plasticate; plastify; masticate◇塑炼机 plasticator
  • 初期:    prime; initial stage; early days; preliminary stage: 20世纪初期 early in the twentieth century; 解放初期 during the initial post-liberation period; just [right] after liberation; 劳工运动初期 the pioneering days of the labour movement; 战争初期 in the early days of the war; 在他文学生涯的初期 during the first period of his literary career; 战后初期 in the early postwar period◇初期白内障 incipient cataract; 初期保险费 initial premium
  • 冷塑炼:    cold mastication; cold mill mastication; cold plastication


        初期:    prime; initial stage; early ...
        塑炼:    plasticate; plastify; mastic ...
        塑炼:    [化学] plasticate; plastify; masticate◇塑炼机 plasticator
        初期:    prime; initial stage; early days; preliminary stage: 20世纪初期 early in the twentieth century; 解放初期 during the initial post-liberation period; just [right] after liberation; 劳工运动初期 the pioneering days of the labour movement; 战争初期 in the early days of the war; 在他文学生涯的初期 during the first period of his literary career; 战后初期 in the early postwar period◇初期白内障 incipient cataract; 初期保险费 initial premium
        冷塑炼:    cold mastication; cold mill mastication; cold plastication
        热塑炼:    heat plasticization; heat softening; hot mastication; thermal plasticization; thermoplastication
        塑炼机:    masticating mill; plasticator
        塑炼胶:    broken rubber; broken-down rubber; masticated material; masticated product; masticated rubber
        预塑炼:    preplastication; preplasticization
        再塑炼:    replastication
        过塑炼,塑炼过度:    over-mastication
        后期塑性变形:    after flow
        早期塑性流动:    incipient plastic flow
        初步塑炼:    premastication
        低温塑炼:    cold mastication; cold milling; cold plastication
        高温塑炼:    heat plasticization
        化学塑炼法:    chemical plastication
        机械塑炼:    mechanical softening
        机械塑炼法:    mechanical mastication
        螺杆塑炼机:    masticating extruder; plastificator; screw plasticators
        密闭塑炼:    banbury fluxing; banbury mastication
        密炼机塑炼:    banbury flux mixing
        双级塑炼机:    two-stage plasticator
        塑炼割料:    cutting down
        塑炼过度:    dead milling; dead rolling; killing of rubber


  1. "初期试验"英文
  2. "初期试验飞行器"英文
  3. "初期收缩裂缝"英文
  4. "初期首先"英文
  5. "初期水分差"英文
  6. "初期损害"英文
  7. "初期损失"英文
  8. "初期特别折旧"英文
  9. "初期条件"英文
  10. "初期铁器时代的"英文


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