

  • postprimary education
  • 初小:    lower primary school
  • :    behind; back; rear
  • 教育:    education
  • 中学后教育:    post-secondary education
  • 初小:    [简] (初级小学) lower primary school


        初小:    lower primary school
        :    behind; back; rear
        教育:    education
        中学后教育:    post-secondary education
        初小:    [简] (初级小学) lower primary school
        学士后教育学分班:    postgraduate teacher education program
        中学后教育, 第三级教育:    post-school education; post-secondary education
        最小后吃水:    minimum draught aft
        使徒后教父:    apostolic fathers
        刀具最小后角:    tool base clearance
        手术后最小后遗症:    post-surgical minimum residual disease
        当面教子,背后教妻:    You may admonish your children in the presence of others,but your wife,only in privacy.
        当面教子,背后教妻:    you may admonish your children in the presence of others, but your wife, only in privacy
        教育:    1.(按一定的目的要求, 对受教育者的德、智、体诸方面施以影响的一种有计划的活动, 一般指学校教育, 泛指一切有教育作用的活动) education 国家教育委员会主任 minister in charge of the state education commission; 全国职工教育管理委员会 national committee in charge of workers' training; 高等教育 higher education; 中学教育司 department of secondary education; 初等教育 general education; 职业技术教育 vocational and technical education; 成人教育 adult education; 民族教育 education for nationalities; 教育局 bureau of education; 社会主义教育 (运动) the socialist education (movement); 家庭教育 family education; 资本主义教育 the capitalist education; 毕业教育 graduating education2.(教导; 启发) teach; educate; inculcate; 教育部 ministry of education; 教育程度 level of education; educational attainment;教育电视 educational television; 教育方针 policy for education; educational policy; 教育附加税 additional tax of education; 教育革命 the revolution in education; 教育革新 educational innovation; 教育工会 educational workers' union; 教育管理 educational management; 教育管理学 science of educational management; 教育机会 educational opportunities; 教育家 educationist; educator; 教育价值 educational value; 教育建筑 school building; 教育经费 educational appropriations; 教育经济学 pedagogical economics; economics of education; 教育捐款 educational endowments; 教育立法 educational legislation; 教育片 educational film; 教育软件 education software; 教育设施计划 educational facilities program; 教育社会学 educational sociology; 教育手段 means of education; 教育体制改革 reform of educational system; 教育投入 educational input; 教育心理学 educational psychology; 教育学 pedagogy; pedagogics; education; 教育学院 educational college; college of pedagogics; pedagogical college; 教育优先区 educational priority area; 教育哲学 philosophy of education; educational philosophy; 教育制度 system of education
        韦茨勒学前及初小儿童智能量表:    wechsler preschool and primary
        澳教育:    education in macau
        办教育:    run education
        代教育:    modern education
        德教育:    education in germany
        抚养,教育:    bring up
        教育 教育部基础教育司(教育):    jy
        教育,培养:    educate
        教育,培育:    educate
        教育1:    test educationl: school
        教育2:    test education2: university


  1. "初项"英文
  2. "初像"英文
  3. "初向量"英文
  4. "初晓"英文
  5. "初小"英文
  6. "初校"英文
  7. "初校样"英文
  8. "初校正"英文
  9. "初写黄庭"英文
  10. "初心的"英文


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