创立: found; originate; set up历史悠久: have a long history的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...大学: college; university历史悠久的: centuried; centuries-old; old-line; time honored; time-honored历史悠久的中成药: chinese traditional patent drug of a long history历史悠久的岸滨购物廊: strand arcade一家历史悠久的商号: a shop of long standing历史悠久: long and rich experience; to have a long historical standing; to have a long history rich experience and reliable reputation; with a long history产销历史悠久: have a long history in production and marketing人文历史悠久: a long cultural tradition领略海滨美景和历史悠久的审判湾监狱: trial bay gaol广州人文历史悠久: with a long cultural tradition中国陶瓷历史悠久: chinese pottery具有悠久的历史: have a history of ages悠久的航海历史: long-standing maritime history中国悠久的历史: china’s long history历史悠久,深深扎根于本土: deerooted in the native land悠久的: centuries-old英国历史最悠久的现代舞: rambert dance company这座寺庙历史悠久,可追溯到初唐时期: this temple has a long history dating back to the early period of the tang dynasty悠久的传统: age old tradition悠久的记忆: distant vista悠久的文化: a civilization of long standing英国有悠久的历史和先进的科学技术: the uk is a country with a long history advanced science and technology