刚刚好: hit the spot恰巧,刚好: gerade刚好出界: just out刚好放入: fit into刚好开始: good2go我刚好赶上: i was just on time性刚好斗: be obstinate and fond of fighting刚好适合某人: suit sb just fine他刚好出去了: he's just stepped out你刚好错过他了: you've just missed him病刚好走远路可使不得: you've just been ill you mustn't take a long walk他病刚好虚弱得站不住he: be tenable她对我做的一切刚好: everything she do just turns me on我们才刚好聊到你而已: speak of the devil我们刚好赶上了飞机: we just caught the plane我人刚好在斗篷里头: i just happened to be in it在最后的时刻;刚好来得及: at the eleventh hour都没好那么好,他们在我刚刚好传销: no ones as good as good as me, they just got better marketing schemes刚刚好我想搜集所有我对我底下圣诞树: well hes all i want just for me underneath my christmas tree使球速大减、刚好过网、并极少反弹的击球。: a shot that slows the ball down a lot and makes it drop just over the net with very little bounce我们刚好赶上那班公共汽车: it so happened that要是我当时刚好穿著这件袍子: if i were in it在最后五分钟,刚好来得及时,在危急时刻: at the eleventh hour肾上腺素水准刚好是太高的我而无法感觉它。: i roll out of the pile and curse again as bullets rake the walls and muddy concrete around me. i hear a wet thump as one of them scores, but can't tell where it's hit刚过这座山路就分岔了: just over the hill the road forks. turn off刚过去的: last; past
刚好的法语:副 1.juste;exactement时间~.le temps est à peine suffisant. 2.opportunément;le hasard a voulu que...我俩~在同一个班里.le hasard a voulu que nous soyons dans la même classe.刚好的日语:〔副詞〕(時間?空間?数量などについて)ちょうど.うまい具合に.折よく.(a)動詞を修飾する. 我们刚好赶上末班车 mòbānchē /われわれはうまい具合に終バスに間に合った. 石头刚好打在他头上/石ころがちょうど彼の頭に当たった. 我刚好在人山人海的王府井 Wángfǔjǐng 碰上了她/私はいいあんばいに人込みの王府井[ワンフーチン]で彼女に出くわした. 我去找他,刚好他在家/彼を訪ねたとこ...刚好的韩语:(1)[형용사] 꼭 알맞다. 这双鞋他穿着不大不小, 刚好; 이 신발은 그가 신으니 크지도 않고 작지도 않고 꼭 맞다 (2)[부사] 알맞게. 때마침. 刚好老师在这儿, 你就跟他谈谈吧; 마침 선생님이 여기 계시니 이야기해 보세요刚好的俄语:[gānghǎo] 1) как раз, впору 2) как раз, кстати刚好的印尼文:betul; tepat; 刚好什么意思:gānghǎo ①正合适:这双鞋他穿着不大不小,~。 ②恰巧;正巧:他们两个人~编在一个小组里ㄧ~大叔要到北京去,信就托他捎去吧。