Be honest and truthful in everything you do . be gentle and forgiving in your relationships with others 做事,一定要秉持“诚”与“正”的原则;而待人,则要用“宽”与“柔”的态度。
In use this electrode was immersed in electrolyte but after use it was washed ( automatically ) in deionized water and air dried 电池在使用时,要浸入到电解液中,使用完毕则要用去离子水对其进行清洗(自动完成) ,之后自然风干。
Some one dear to one can be loved with human love ; but an enemy can only be loved with divine love . and that was why i felt such joy when i felt that i loved that man 爱亲人,用人类之爱而爱敌人,则要用上帝之爱,由此,当我感到我是在爱那个人时,我体会到这种欢乐。
Also , the recorder writer may support the recording speed on the disk but may make recordings on a slower speed as the quality of the recording takes priority 此外,即使刻录机写入器与光碟的最高刻录速度一致,有时需要优先考虑刻录质量,则要用低于最高刻录速度的速度进行刻录。
In developing countries , meat - eaters use resources equivalent to 5 , 000 litres 1 , 100 gallons of water a day compared to the 1 , 000 - 2 , 000 litres 200 - 400 gallons used by people on vegetarian diets 在开发中国家,相较于素食者每天只使用1千至2千公升的水,肉食者每天则要用掉相当于5千公升1千1百加仑的水。
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