The masters of old have passed away , but their teaching , their lineage of enlightenment , has always , somewhere , somehow , somewhat survived 过去的明师已走了,但?们的法脉则永续不断长流世间,以某种方式,
Washington ' s partner rule : one person pays no attention ; two don ' t recognize breach of duties ; three will never ever agree with the contract 华盛顿合作规律:一个人敷衍了事;两个人互相推诿;三个人则永无成事之日。
Master also stated : " the masters of old have passed away , but their teaching , their lineage of enlightenment , has always , somewhere , somehow , somewhat survived . it doesn t necessarily survive in jerusalem ; it doesn t necessarily survive in bodh gaya , in india . it goes deep into the ground of existence like a river 师父并提到:过去的明师已走了,但?们的法脉则永续不断长流世间,以某种方式,或隐或显地流传下来,不一定在耶路撒冷,也不一定在印度的菩提道场。
则: standard; norm; criterion永: perpetually; forever; always则庸: noritsune则由娱乐影片: entertainment film distributors则应作否定句看待: never no hardly scarcely则由知名华裔插画家陈志勇: shaun tan则阴衰: excess of yang causing disorder of yin则有: ministers则义: noriyoshi则有把事搞砸之意当然: sth up则依: noriyori