One beijing - based portal , sina . com , even put up a web page allowing users to vote on what they thought of mr liu ' s remarks 总部位于北京的门户网站新浪网甚至建了个网页让其用户们发表对刘忠德所言之看法。
刘: a weapon Liu,a state in the ...忠: loyal; devoted; faithful; ho ...德: virtue; morals; moral charac ...忠德: tadanori刘忠: liu zhong邱忠德: qiu zhongde刘忠虎: liu zhonghu刘忠华: zhong-hua liu刘忠辉: zhonghui liu刘忠良: john liu; liu zhongliang刘忠民: zhong-min liu刘忠明: zhongmin liu刘忠恕: liu zhongshu刘忠英: zhong-ying liu效忠德内豪: allegiance to denethor忠德佛堂: chong tuck tong temple猪又忠德: inomata tadanori新南拳北腿 刘忠良 优秀功夫片系列: secret rivals 3刘中柱: liu zhongzhu刘中志: liu zhongzhi刘中庸: liu zhongyong刘中一: liu zhongyi