Water loss calculation and check for liujiaxia hydropower plant 刘家峡水电厂空耗水量的计算及考核
Community structure of ciliates in the cage fish culture farm of liujiaxia reservoir in spring 刘家峡水库网箱养鱼场春季纤毛虫群落结构
Design of emegratiom , environmental protection , soil and water conservation for shapotou water control project 刘家峡库区水土流失治理现状及防治对策
The liujiaxia , yanguoxia , bapanxia and bikou hydropower stations , run by the gansu provincial power corporation , started to be built in 1950s and 1960s 甘肃省电力公司所属刘家峡、盐锅峡、八盘峡、碧口4座大中型水电厂,均为50 - 60年代就开始建设。
In addition , the application of the present model to the " design of new sediment sluice at the taohe mouth in the liujiaxia reservoir " supports the experimental results conducted by the department of sediment research , iwhr 在运用此模型对尚在立项中的“刘家峡水库增建洮河口排沙洞方案”进行计算时,计算结果支持了中国水利水电科学研究院泥沙研究所的动床物理模型试验结果。