国家: country; state; nation基本: basic; fundamental药物: medicinal; medicine; medican ...目录: catalogue; contents; list的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...药品: drug; medicinal; medicines a ...国家基本药物: national essential drugs国家基本药物国家基本药物: drugs national essential基本药品袋: basic drug kits基本药物: e ential drugs; essential drugs未列入目录的: uncatalogued基本药物遴选: selection of essential drugs基本药品政策部: department of essential drugs and medicines policy国家基本养老金: state basic pension出版物目录: publication list国家基本建设委员会: state capital construction commission; state infrastructure commission目录的: catalogic过量的药品: a surfeit of fooddrug dosagee列入目录: schedule未列入目录: uncatalog国家基准点: ordnance datum国家基本比例尺地形图分幅和编号: subdivision and numbering for the national primary scale topographic maps国家基本比例尺地形图修测规范: revision survey specifications for the national primary scale topographic maps国家基本工业〔如钢铁、煤矿工业等〕。: key industry安装目录的: win32forth