

发音:   用"划单词"造句
  • crossing out the words
  • :    delimit; differentiate
  • 单词:    individual word; word single ...
  • 单词:    1.[语言学] (词) individual word; word (区别于“词组”)2.(由一个词素构成的词; 单纯词) single-morpheme word (如“茶”、“走”、“蟋蟀”、“玲珑”等, 区别于“合成词”)3.[计算机] (字码) word◇单词表 word list; 单词行 [印刷] widow; 单词可懂度 discrete-word intelligibility
  • 工作规划单:    job route sheet
  • 计划单价:    planned unit price


        :    delimit; differentiate
        单词:    individual word; word single ...
        单词:    1.[语言学] (词) individual word; word (区别于“词组”)2.(由一个词素构成的词; 单纯词) single-morpheme word (如“茶”、“走”、“蟋蟀”、“玲珑”等, 区别于“合成词”)3.[计算机] (字码) word◇单词表 word list; 单词行 [印刷] widow; 单词可懂度 discrete-word intelligibility
        工作规划单:    job route sheet
        计划单价:    planned unit price
        计划单列:    specially designated in the state plan
        计划单列市:    city enjoying provincial-level status in the state economic plan; city specifically designated in the state plan; city with economic planning directly supervised by the state council; city with independent budgetary status; municipalities and cities with independent plans; municipalities with independent planning status; the municipalities specifically listed in the state economic plan
        总规划单:    master route sheets
        规划单元开发:    planned unit development pud
        计划单的号码:    policy number
        背单词:    haetorecite; supermemo; wordtutor
        查单词:    look up
        单词表:    glossary; word list; wordbook
        单词句:    holophrase; one word sentence; single word sentence
        单词曲:    cards tune
        单词她:    uniterm indexing
        单词通:    dreamword; wordstudy
        单词行:    widow
        单词语:    holophrase
        单字, 单词:    single word
        等单词:    homodide
        加单词:    insert word
        学单词:    learn english words
        (保险)计划单的号码:    policy number
        对实行计划单列:    list as a separate unit under the state economic development plan


  1. "划大圈的倒飞横滚"英文
  2. "划大圈的横滚"英文
  3. "划大圈的下降横滚"英文
  4. "划带"英文
  5. "划袋"英文
  6. "划刀"英文
  7. "划倒浆"英文
  8. "划到过高的等级"英文
  9. "划道消除"英文
  10. "划得来"英文


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