切勿: be sure not to阻塞: choke; block; clog; stop; ob ...行人: pedestrian通道: thoroughfare; passageway; pa ...切勿阻塞大门: do not block gate切勿阻塞交叉路口: do not block intersection行人道;行人通道: walkway人通道: manway不准行人通行: no pedestrians车辆与行人通量: traffic被阻塞通道: clogged passage行人专用通道: pedestrian access only切勿: be sure not to 切勿倒置 do not turn over; keep upright; 切勿干燥 keep wet; 切勿受潮 keep dry; 切勿投掷 no dumping; no shooting; 切勿压挤 do not crush; 切勿坠落 do not drop; no dropping; 切勿听信谣言。 don't believe rumours行人: 1.(在路上走的人) pedestrian 行人走便道。 pedestrians, keep to the sidewalk [footpath]!2.(姓氏) a surname 行人之仪 xingren zhiyi; 行人安全岛 pedestrian island; 行人横道 street crossing; 行人天桥 pedestrian bridge; an overhead walkway 阻塞: choke; block; clog; stop; obstruct; jam; barrage; blockage; blocking; [医学] obstruction; choking; echmasis; emphraxis; stasis 交通阻塞。 there is a traffic jam. 拥挤的车辆阻塞了道路。 heavy traffic blocked the road.; 阻塞物 obturator; jam; shutoff; spider; 阻塞振荡器 squegger; blocking oscillator; 阻塞作用 [气象学] blocking action; choking action切勿用“: it’s my secret don’t ask such a personal question巴塞行理委: basel committee on banking supervision滑塞行程: travel of slide valve活塞行程: piston path; piston stroke; piston travel; pistonstroke; stroke of piston; throw of piston; throw of poston; travel of piston柱塞行程: plunger lift; plunger stroke; travel of plunger行人道;行人路: sidewalk行人径;行人路: footpath; footway行人路;行人径: footway; pedestrian way合模柱塞行程: clamp ram stroke活塞行程容积: piston displacement