分: component银: silver二: two枚: trunk horsewhip gag a surnam ...银二: ginji二枚贝: bivalve银二郎: ginjiro扒分银菇: stewed two kinds of mushrooms大分银行: oita bank, ltd二枚贝幼生: lamellibranchea trochophora六硝高钴酸银二钾: potassium silver cobaltinitrite; potassiumsilvercobaltinitrite分英尺: minutes per foot分阴阳: ascertain the yin or yang; forked rubbing分英制美制两种: brl. barrel分阴当惜: even a second must not be wasted分应变: component of stress; strain component分音仪。: sound spectrograph分应力: component of stress; component stress; components stress; stress component分音器: acoustic splitter分应物: reactant分音节不能: amerism