Appropriate cash supply for economic growth 经济成长的现金分配额
Deposited distribution quota shall be delivered to the creditor . article 148 the bankruptcy assignee shall deposit the distribution quota 第一百四十八条债权人未受领的分配额,破产清算人应当提存。
Article 147 as to obligatory rights with a term of validity , where the creditor receives bankruptcy distribution , the bankruptcy assignee shall deposit its distribution quota 第一百四十七条对于附停止条件的债权,债权人接受破产分配的,由破产清算人提存其分配额。
Other creditors . article 149 in bankruptcy distribution , as to obligatory rights subject to objection or those in pending litigation , the bankruptcy assignee shall deposit 第一百四十九条在破产分配时,对于有异议的债权或者涉讼未决的债权,破产清算人应当提存其分配额。
But where the distribution cannot be accepted within 2 years after the conclusion of the bankruptcy procedure , the peoples court shall distribute the deposited quota to other creditors 但是,在破产程序终结后经过二年仍不能受领分配的,人民法院应当将其提存分配额分配给其他债权人。