

发音:   用"分节点"造句
  • partial node
  • :    component
  • 节点:    panel point; hybrid; packing ...
  • 分节:    merogenesis; segmentation; abjoint
  • 节点:    [电学] panel point; hybrid; packing; node; nodal points; joint of framework; pitch point; point pitch
  • 不分节:    [植物学] amerism


  1. The part of program storing discussed many design schemes for center media library , site media libraries and program dispensing mechanism , which satisfied vod system ’ s early building and later expanding
  2. Finnally , a portal website of " university agricultural science and technology and educat ional alliance network " and eight alliance member university nodal websites which can carry on data distributed integrating with portal website were developed
  3. When the subnodes of the cdn responds to the access request , all the users request commands will be forwarded to the stream media platform at the central node and let the servers judge whether the users concerned are entitled to viewing the films . it can also prevent the users from using the content of a cdn node concerned by bypassing the validation system . data content of stream media is provided by caches
    当cdn中的分节点,即cache点响应用户的访问请求时,所有用户的对内容的请求命令都转发到中心点的流媒体平台,即由服务器判断用户是否有权观看影片,并可以禁止用户通过媒体播放器等渠道绕过认证系统,用户只有基于授权的情况下,得到相关cdn节点上内容的服务,流媒体的数据内容由cache提供(见图6 ) 。


        :    component
        节点:    panel point; hybrid; packing ...
        分节:    merogenesis; segmentation; abjoint
        节点:    [电学] panel point; hybrid; packing; node; nodal points; joint of framework; pitch point; point pitch
        不分节:    [植物学] amerism
        部分节:    member
        初分节:    primary segmentation
        次分节:    secondary segment
        分节棒:    segmented rod
        分节驳:    integrated brage
        分节船:    paragraph ship
        分节的:    articulate; articulatory; segmental
        分节法:    phrasing
        分节符:    section break
        分节歌:    strophicform; (a,a1,a2,a3…)strophic form
        分节号:    numbered clause; sect;section; division; section division; section mark; §section; division
        分节核:    segmentation nucleus
        分节镜:    segmented mirror
        分节毛:    articulate hair
        分节器:    stepper
        后分节:    secondary segmentation
        假分节:    pseudometamerism; pseudosegmented
        鳃分节:    branchiomerism; branchiomery
        微分节:    differential term
        转分节:    trochantellus


  1. "分节的"英文
  2. "分节的, 分段的"英文
  3. "分节的,关节性的,分节式形成的"英文
  4. "分节的钓鱼杆"英文
  5. "分节的接地棒"英文
  6. "分节顶推驳船队"英文
  7. "分节发音缺失"英文
  8. "分节发音缺失继发于听力丧失"英文
  9. "分节发音缺失继发于牙齿缺失"英文
  10. "分节发音缺损"英文


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