From the ashes of a burned pile of papers and other records outside the building, some assorted material was salvaged, but not much . 从楼外烧掉的档案及其他记录的灰烬中抢救出了一些分类资料,但是为数不多。
A list of information and records by category not routinely published by the department 本署非按惯例公布的分类资料及纪录一览表
Enhancements to the disclosures on asset quality , profitability and segmental information were also introduced 此外,有关资产质素、盈利及分类资料的披露要求亦已提高。
With the help of the database management subsystem , we could add , delete and update the classification information 后台数据库管理子系统为维护分类资料数据库提供方便,可添加、删除、修改分类信息。