

发音:   用"分类变量"造句


  1. When using post - stratification estimators to classify the sample , we often meet with the incomplete post - stratification , in which marginal counts are known but cell counts are not
  2. The main reasons are : the first , some characters influencing the risk of driving and the number of accidents that may be happen are not measurable , such as the well - trained degree of the drivers , the concentration degree of the attention during the driving hour , the speed of the reaction and the accuracy of the judgment in the nervous circumstance ; the second , because the classification variables are limited , the measurable characters of the risk are impossible to be contained in these variables ; the third , because of the existence of the moral risk , it very difficult to affirm that the classifying of the policyholders is right


        分类:    classify
        变量:    variable; variable quantity; ...
        分类变量类型变量:    categorical measure
        类变量:    class variables
        聚类变量:    cluster variables
        依分类变化:    vary by category
        判定分类变数:    dcv decision category variables
        税则分类变化标准:    criterion of change of tariff
        变量分类:    categorize variables; variable categories
        数值变量分类:    categorization of numerical variables
        类变应原:    allergenoid; allergoid; der p1
        变量:    [数学] variable; variable quantity; alternating quantity◇变量范围 range of variables; variable range; 变量函数 variable function; 变量系数 variation coefficient
        第二类变压器:    class two transformer
        类变形性骨炎:    pagetoid osteitis
        分类:    1.(使分别归类) classify; itemize; sort 根据起因将事故分类 classify accidents by cause; 根据性别[年龄; 民族; 地区] 分类 classify by sex [age; nationality; locality]; 邮局里的人员将信件按寄送地点分类。 men in the post office classify mail according to places it is to go. 它们是按品种分类的。 they are classified in sorts.2.(分门别类) classification; assortment; systematization; partition; sorting; taxonomy; breakdown 粗略的分类 a broad classification; 使分类系统化 systematize classification; 植物的分类 classification of plants
        g-6-pdⅠ类变异贫血:    g-6-pd class i variant anemia
        副变形虫病,类变形虫病:    para-amebiasis
        fortran变量:    fortran variable
        λ变量:    lambda variable
        半变量:    hemi-variate
        变量泵:    adjustable discharge pump; controllable capacity pump; pumof variable delivery type; variable capacity pump; variable delivery pump; variable displacement pump; variable output pump; variable pump; variable stroke pump; variable volume pump; variablepump
        变量比:    transformer ratio
        变量表:    argument table; variable table
        变量得:    call by variable
        变量的:    variable; variational


  1. "分类比较器"英文
  2. "分类比较装置"英文
  3. "分类编码"英文
  4. "分类编码通用术语"英文
  5. "分类编码系统"英文
  6. "分类变量类型变量"英文
  7. "分类标号"英文
  8. "分类标记"英文
  9. "分类标题"英文
  10. "分类标引"英文


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