分离: separate; sever; resolve; se ...空间: space; enclosure; room; blan ...分离空泡: separated cavity分离空气量: trapped air volume电离空间: ionization space距离空间: metric space游离空间: ionization space; ionized space; ionizing space气流严重分离空气动力学: aerodynamics of the super-stall空间分离: space separation电离空气: ionized air隔离空隙: isolated interstice游离空气: dissociated air游离空气流: dissociated air flow远距离空运: cloud hopping电离空气喷嘴: ionized air nozzle分离: 1.(分开) separate; sever; resolve; segregate; isolate; detach; dis(as)sociate; abstrict 从空气中把氮分离出来 separate nitrogen from air; 男女生分离的教育制度 an educational system where boys and girls are segregated2.(离别) part (for a long period); leave; bid farewell 我见到了分离多年的朋友。 i met an old friend from whom i had parted for many years.3.separation; severance; segregation; isolation; disassociation; demixing; detachment; diastasis 长期分离之后 after a long separation; 与朋友们分离使他伤心。 separation from his friends made him sad空间: space; enclosure; room; blank; interspace 活动空间 breathing spaces; 生存空间 living space; 时间和空间 time and space; 外层空间 outer space; 空间编码 space encoding; 空间布局 spatial distribution; 空间采暖 space heating; 空间导航 space navigation; 空间点阵 space lattice; 空间电场 space electric field; 空间定位 spatialization; 空间定向装置 tistat; 空间发射 spatial emission; 空间防御 [军事] space defense; 空间飞船 space vehicle; 空间飞行 space flight; 空间飞行器 spacecraft; 空间分布 space distribution; 空间构架 truss; 空间环境 [天文学] space environment; 空间环境监测仪 space environmental monitor; 空间基地 space base; 空间技术 [航] space technology; 空间科学 [航] space science; 空间实验室 spacelab; skylab;空间探测 [航] space exploration; 空间探测器 space probe; space exploration instrument; 空间探索 space exploration; 空间天文台 space observatory; 空间通信 space communication; 空间通信技术 space communications technique; 空间武器 [军事] space weapon; 空间物理实验卫星 spacephysics experiment satellite; 空间行走 [航空] space walk; 空间研究 space research; 空间遥测 space telemetry; 空间医学 aeromedicine; aerospace medicine; aviation medicine; space medicine; 空间站 space station电离空气吹风机: ionized air blower隔世离空的红颜: flash近距离空中侦察: short distance reconnaissance近距离空中支援: air-ground support; cas; close air assistance远距离空降突击: long range assault战斗机近距离空战: close combat between fighter aircraft中距离空中侦察: medium air reconnaissance电离空气探测器系统: ionized air detector system