- apportionment exercise
- 分派: assign; assignment; apportio ...
- 办法: method; means; measure; quom ...
- 分派: assign (to different persons); assignment; apportion 把工作平均地分派 share out the work; 队长给每个组都分派了任务。 the team leader has assigned tasks to all the groups. 组长给他们分派了这星期的任务。 the group leader apportioned them the duties for the week.; 分派费用 apportioned cost; 分派问题 assignment problem
- 办法: method; means; measure; quomodo; road; way 土办法 native [indigenous; local] methods; 采取有效的办法来改进工作 adopt [take] effective measures to improve one's work
- 粗分派: lumper